OTSH presente na 20th Conference of the Alliance against Trafficking in Persons “Ending Impunity – Delivering justice through prosecuting trafficking in human beings” e eventos paralelos (20 a 22 de julho)

publicada em 23-07-2020

Entre os dias 20 e 22 de julho realizou-se a “20th Conference of the Alliance against Trafficking in Persons”, OSCE sob o tema: “Ending Impunity – Delivering justice through prosecuting trafficking in human beings”.

O OTSH em conjunto com o Relator Nacional para o Tráfico de Seres Humanos estiveram presentes (videoconferência), assistindo ainda a dois eventos paralelos organizados:

  1. “Towards resilient and cohesive societies: community policing to prevent and combat human trafficking” (21 de julho);
  2. “Presentation of Findings of the ODIHR and UN Women Policy Survey Reports and Recommendations – Addressing Emerging Human Trafficking Trends and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic”.

Para saber mais, visitar página da OSCE aqui.